Necklace from Marilyn Jie and Sanjit [Thanks Jie and Sanjit]
On Monday, 12th May, Dear picked me up after work. Went to Dear's house to wait for him to get ready. We wanted to have dinner outside, but him mum asked him to eat at home. I am so nice and I said it is okay, we shall just go for dessert later, have your dinner at home! After his shower and dinner, we went to Sunway Pyramid to buy my present =). I have been eye-ing on a bag from Valentino about one or two month ago since my dad bought shirts there. I kept asking my mum to buy for me she kept saying NO! Then, me and Dear went to Valentino. The bag is still there!! AAaa.. I quickly grab it and I told Dear I want it I want it! Dear said "okay, as long as you like it". Then, I decided to get the bag. After walking around the shop, I saw this purse that really really matches my bag. I look at Dear with my innocent look. Haha. He was like, you like is it? Take la. I stand there about 15minutes to consider should I get the purse. Finally, I made up my mind and got it! Went to the counter to check the condition and quality, everything is fine! Dear paid for it as my birthday present! Thanks Dear.
After that, we went down to Zen. We wanted to have cakes but unfortunately they are closing already. Dear suggested we go to SS15 to try our luck. Went around ss15, don't have any shop that have cakes. We also tried Taipan but besides Starbucks and Coffee Bean, no where else have cakes! I told Dear it's ok. When we past by Baskin Robbins, Dear park his car. Haha. He bought me 1 pint of Baskin Robbin!! Thanks Dear =)
Present from Dear [Thanks Dear]My New Purse
Present from Chen Hsiong [Thanks Chen Hsiong]
In the evening, Chee Cheng smsed me! She say she will drop by and pass me my present. So sweet of her! Really thanks alot. I will find you this coming week to go kai kai kay =)
Present from Chee Cheng, she pranked me! [Thanks Darling]
For dinner, my mummy cooked for me. My cousins and Wen also came for dinner. I wanted crab, prawn, kerabu fish and lots more. But unfortunately, there is no crab! My mum just cook my favourite prawn, sotong, pork [non halal] and a vege. Thanks mummy for the afford! She and Daddy bought me cake too from Secret Receipe, Marilyn and Sanjit bought me a small piece of cake also.
After dinner, Dear called and if I wanted to go out for tea with him, Kian How and his sister. I said sure! Once I went into the car, Dear got me cake! Thanks Dear. The we went to Kim Gary for tea.
Me and Dear All My presents
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